Sanctuary Choir

Leads music at 10:00am worship. Rehearses on Wednesdays (Sep.- May) at 7:00pm in the Choir Room #207.
Handbell Choir
Leads music once a month in the Sanctuary. Rehearses on Thursdays at 7:30pm in the Bell Room #301.
For more information about the Sanctuary and Handbell Choirs, contact Director of Traditional Music Matthew Bacon.
Chapel Worship Band

Leads music at 11:15am worship. Rehearses at 10:15am Sunday mornings in the Chapel.
For more information, contact Director of Contemporary Music Jerry Chapman.
Other ways to serve in Worship
Serve communion, read scripture, be an usher or greeter, lead a prayer, or help in the sound booth.
Contact Administrative Assistant Cheryl Vaughan to learn how!