Food Pantry & Clothing Closet
Food Pantry | Clothing Closet nights are open on the first and third Thursday of each month from 5:30pm to 7:00 pm.
"Our Father's Table" Food Pantry and Clothing Closet ministries connect and support our community. We need your help...
- Donating non-perishable food during office hours
- Donating clothing during office hours
- Organizing clothing donations
- Setting up for Food Pantry | Clothing Closet nights
- Volunteering during Food Pantry | Clothing Closet nights
- Cleaning up after Food Pantry | Clothing Closet nights
To volunteer please complete the form below.
Contact Food Pantry Coordinator Eva Jane Felts for more information, 336-971-3851.
Contact Clothing Closet Coordinator Terri Liles for more information, 336-287-7739.
serving the ardmore community for over 10 years
Early Response Team (ERT)
Join our team! We help repair and rebuild, providing support to areas affected by severe weather in our state and beyond. Contact ERT Coordinator Carolyn Coram for more information.
Connecting to Senior Adults
Visit and help care for our senior adults by making phone calls, sending cards, and more! Contact our Senior Ministries Coordinator Mary Jo Brewer to learn more.
Cherry Street Prison Ministry

Join us as we worship and fellowship with our brothers at Cherry Street Prison. Contact Mission Engagement Committee Chair Daughn Eagan to learn more.