Sunday School
Adventure Class
Join us Sundays at 9:00am in Room #319 for a Sunday School with discussions through Bible study videos. Contact Liz Lamphear or Debbie Williams to learn more.
Upper Fellowship
Join us Sundays at 9:00am in Room #204 for a senior adult Sunday School class with lessons taught in a lecture format using Adult Bible Studies materials with rotating teachers.
Contact Bobbie White or Wynnette Alexander to learn more.
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Join us Wednesdays from 6:30pm-8:00pm in Room #304 for bible studies (6-12 weeks long) on topics to help pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Contact Eva Jane Felts to learn more.
United Women in Faith (UWF)
formerly united methodist women (umw)
Help us “turn faith, hope and love into action on behalf of women, children, and youth around the world.” Join a UWF circle today! Contact UWF President, Nancy Norton to learn more.
United Methodist Men

All men are invited! Dinner meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of every other month at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Contact UMM President Jay Jackson to learn more.
Young at Heart
No matter your age, join us for fellowship, lunch, and a program on the 4th Tuesday of every month (Sep.-May) at 11:45am in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Senior Adult Ministries Coordinator Mary Jo Brewer to learn more and RSVP!
Ardmore Stitchers

Join us Wednesdays, 10:00am-12:00pm, Room #301 to knit and crochet with love. Blankets, prayer shawls, and more are blessed and shared with those in the hospital, our church, and community. Contact Cynthia Hall to learn more.